Tips and Resources on PowerPoint 

We put down this collection of shortcuts and resources useful we recommend for designing creative presentations (pictures, speeches, tools).

We try to keep it updated with latest Office versions and publications, however if you have a suggestion what to add here, let us know.

Peter & Izabela

PowerPoint Keyword Shortcuts

Editing shapes:

  • Ctrl + G / Ctrl + Shift + G
    Group / Ungroup selected elements (in Polish Office only 2nd works)
  • Ctrl + D
    duplicate selected element
  • Alt + F9
    show / hide guide lines
  • Alt + F10
    show Selection Pane window with all slide elements
  • Ctrl + keyboard arrow
    move an object by a pixel
  • Ctrl + Shift + C or V
    format painter, copy and paste the style of a selected object

General file functions

  • Ctrl + Y and Ctrl + Z 
    Undo the last edit and Redo
  • Ctrl + Alt + V
    Paste special (e.g. for pasting a slide as a bitmap image)
  • Win + Shift + S
    screenshot taking (since Windows 10)
  • Ctrl + F1, Ctrl + Alt + F1
    Hide or show the top menu stripe
  • F12
    Save As the file with new name (on Mac: Cmd+S)
  • Ctrl + S
    Save the file (on Mac:Cmd+S)

Editing text:

  • Ctrl + [ or ]
    font size decrease or increase of the selected text or text inside a selected shape
  • Ctrl + L or E or R
    align selected text to Left or Center or Right
  • F2
    editing text inside the selected shape
  • Tab, Shift Tab
    increase a level in bullet-points (in SmartArt or Word, too)
  • Shift + F3
    change case in the selected text (all small, ALL CAPS, As In Title)
  • Ctrl + Shift + C or V 
    format painter (works also on shapes and textboxes)
  • Ctrl + Space bar
    clean the text formatting
  • Shift + Enter
    soft Enter

Slide show mode:

  • F5
    start slide show from the 1st slide
  • Shift + F5
    start slide show from the current slide
  • B key
    show the black screen (for temporary turning off the presentation light)
  • W key
    show the white screen

Information and Image Resources for PowerPoint presentations

PowerPoint application help & resources

Presentation related resources

  • Books by Nancy Duarte:
    • „Slide:ology”  (see book on Amazon) 
    • “Data Story” (see book on Amazon) 
  • Book by Dan Roam:
    • “On the Back of the Napkin” (see book on Amazon) 
  • Inspirative presentations

    • Kurzgesagt science animations – YouTube channel
    • – inspiring presentations from world infuencers (see e.g. data visualization talk by Hans Rosling)

Paid Image Stock Databases:

Free Image Stock Databases:

Quotation resources:

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