How to make Happy Holiday Card in PowerPoint

With approaching Christmas and New Year celebrations, you may want to create a personal greeting card.
You can do it pretty quickly using PowerPoint and some Holiday graphics that you can reuse.
Create a presentation slide with your greeting message, add a picture of your team, and adapt icon colors to your brand ones. See the examples below.

In the end, export the final slide as PDF or JPG bitmap picture. Such files can be sent as email attachments, printed, or put on your website.
See our Step-by-step guide on how to create such Winter Holidays card in a few minutes.
You can get our hand-drawn and outlined seasonal PPT graphics free, if you are our client or partner (contact us if you are interested to get this Christmas and New Year PPT graphics).
Wishing you Happy Holidays and Creative 2018!
Izabela & Peter – designers & trainers from Prezentio