Blog – EN

Summer in Marketing? An Opportunity to Prepare for a Busy Q4

Summer in the office can be a pretty lazy time. There are fewer urgent projects running, it’s a low season for sales, fairs, or conferences. Half of the staff are on holiday anyway. However, for the marketing department, this is an ideal time to prepare for the busy last quarter.


Starting a business – Peter’s resources

Besides running our presentation design business and e-shop, occasionally I do presentations promoting entrepreneurship, sharing my experiences with launching and running a business.

Contact me (best via my LinkedIn), if you’re interested in consulting on business development or presenting on those topics.

Here are resources I usually recommend to check to get you into entrepreneur mindset:

Entrepreneurs inspiration podcasts

My favourite podcasts are Tim Ferriss show and Smart Passive Income by Pat Flynn. Below are a few selected episodes related to online business:


    I am still listening to those podcasts and re-read those books – it gives me still some new inspiration and dose of motivation. As some podcasts are longer ones, I suggest you go for a calm walk or hike alone and listen to them. And take notes.

    In case you will need to present your idea e.g. as a start-up to some investors or potential clients, below I share some additional articles:

    Articles with presentation examples

    In case you will need to present your idea e.g. as a start-up to some investors or potential clients, here are blog posts we wrote with advice and examples:

    For more learning see my presentation from 2024 Tropi Talk event on my LinkedIn. I put there sketches of decisioning table and described steps to develop your business idea.


    Should you need to create your own presentation using some of these elements, below are source slides you can get & use (they are paid sources, but if you need only a specific graphics, write me).

    If you have any questions or other resources to share, contact me. I will be glad to help.


    4 Ways to use Generative AI – ChatGPT for PowerPoint Presentation Design

    For some time, the topic of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT application has been igniting the imagination, stimulating minds and is a great topic for conversations. Recently, during the training, someone asked how we can use modern AI achievements in presentations. I decided to write a little about what can help us, where so far it does not give advice and what traps you can fall into using Chat GPT.


    Five Data Chart Mistakes to Avoid in Presentation

    How to present data on your slides while keeping clarity and professional look? Make sure you are not failing into one of the data visualization traps. I collected the most common mistakes I see people do in business presentations. Especially when they present data from various Excel charts copied to PowerPoint.


    How to Build Creative Comparison Tables in PowerPoint

    Do you need to present product comparisons? Are you struggling to make those comparisons in a creative way? You can make creative visualizations to accomplish this task. Making simple comparison tables in PowerPoint is easy. We will show you how.


    How to Make Coronavirus Info Materials in PowerPoint

    You may be watching this disease development day to day, as I do. I am trying to extract facts and evaluate dangers considering my family and business. I see over various media that proper explaining the facts is so important especially now. It helps people react appropriately, it helps not to overlook what’s the important.

    Therefore I’d like to share a few tips on preparing clear information materials about Covid-19 disease, be it leaflet, banner or presentation of company actions. All made using only PowerPoint. See examples below.
